Fiddling While The World Burns: Stephen Harper is No Emperor Nero

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That is the story we all learned, and it isn’t true – the violin wasn’t invented yet. Nero was being scapegoated for the great fire of A.D. 64. There was nothing he could do about it. Our Prime Minister can act and refuses to. We can already say that Steven fiddled while the oceans acidified, the polar ice melted and California burned. He fiddled while BC’s shellfish industry collapsed. I’m sure you can add to the list.

Nero was innocent of the crimes he was accused of in this case. Nero actually took measures to provide relief for his citizens. He coordinated fire fighting efforts on the first night. He opened the public buildings and his own gardens as temporary shelter for homeless residents. He imported grain from nearby cities and supplied his citizens with food at a fraction of the normal cost. Mr Harper, however, is guilty of what I believe is a crime against humanity.

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